My Heart, His Home
August 14, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
The start or restart of our faith journeys is in making room for Jesus. It takes intentionality to give space for Jesus to enter into our hearts. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris encourages us to invite Jesus in and just watch how He changes us from the inside out.
Be Transformed
August 21, 2022
Pastor Bria Gilmore
We often start our journey of following Jesus with some unrealistic expectations… like that real change is inevitable or that it happens immediately. In this message, Pastor Bria reminds us of how Paul instructed the Romans on how to see real transformation in our lives! Check it out here and be sure to subscribe to receive updates on future messages from Bay Chapel.
Make Room for the Mess
August 28, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
“For God did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:17 Jesus was sent to set us free, but He doesn’t stand in judgment. He runs to meet us IN our mess… right where we are. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris reminds us that, time after time in Jesus’ ministry, He heals not only the physical need but the deeper, spiritual and inside need. And He wants to do that for us right now where we are.
Make Room to Find Life
September 4, 2022
Pastor Bria Gilmore
John 10:10 ESV – The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. We find life in the context of a community following Jesus… In this message, Pastor Bria challenges us to shift our mindset from an Independent one to an INTERdependent one as we learn to live and grow together in Jesus. Even when it’s messy, it’s worth it to live in community with each other!