Heaven On Earth, Pt. 1: Christ In You
March 10, 2019
Wes Morris
Pastor Wes offers some critical points on how to bring Heaven on Earth in our lives.
Heaven On Earth, Pt. 2: Made For More
March 17, 2019
Wes Morris
In part 2 of Heaven On Earth, Pastor Wes shares 3 ways we can live out the message of Jesus Christ.
Jamie Kent – The Power Of Obedience
March 24, 2019
Jamie Kent
Pastor Jamie Kent delivers a great word about obedience in our relationship with God.
Heaven On Earth, Pt. 4: Stories
March 31, 2019
Wes Morris, Lee Schielka, Meahgan Richards, Chad Clower
Three members of our Bay Chapel family share their personal testimonies of how God has moved in their lives.