#FortheWin | Part 1
September 11, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
This moment we are living in right now is a “for the win” kind of moment… there are so many things happening in our world right now that require us to remember that the game is on the line! In this message, Pastor Wes Morris challenges us to be a city on a hill and shine bright in the darkness right now and accept the responsibility of winning the lost and bringing the hope of Jesus to the world.
#FortheWin | Part 2
September 18, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
John 8:31-32 (NIV) To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” We are living in a #forthewin moment! If we’re going to win our friends, families & community for Jesus we need to be ready! In this message, Pastor Wes Morris challenges us to build our life on God’s word even though our feelings & the ways of the world in which we live can be so loud! Wes gives us a playbook to use God’s word and His voice to change the way we live each day.
#FortheWin | Part 3
September 25, 2022
Pastor Kevin McManus
Have you ever found yourself looking for a loophole so that you don’t have to love the people around you as Jesus says to? In this message, Pastor Kevin McManus challenges us to love our neighbors and the people around us by first seeing the need, then acting quickly.
#FortheWin | Part 5
October 9, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
A New Way to Win Everything around us in our culture tells us that we should do what makes us happy… as long as we are happy then we are healthy. However, Jesus taught something a little different. In this message, Pastor Wes Morris challenges us to embrace a new way to win in life by living with a heart of surrender, humility and through God’s power in our life rather than our own.
#FortheWin | Part 6
October 16, 2022
Pastor Bria Gilmore
Practice & Preparation The story of David & Goliath was a story about victory… but also a story about preparation. David’s every day obedience led him to the moment where he defeated his giant. In this message, Pastor Bria challenges us to examine our practices, our people, and our position every day so that we may be victorious in all God has for us!
#FortheWin | Part 7
October 23, 2022
Pastor Chad Clower
Lay It All Down For The Win Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. We know this life we are living is not a sprint, it’s a long-distance race… it takes endurance and the Bible has much to say on how we can WIN in the end. However, in order to win, we have to surrender. In this message, Pastor Chad lays out a few ways that our “race” can go wrong & we can get tripped up. However, through Matthew 11:28-30 we learn that Jesus wants to take our burdens, worries, and the things we carry on Himself so that we may run with ease & For the Win!
Maverick Faith
October 30, 2022
Pastor Wes Morris
Blockbuster Sunday Special message